Avon Earnings Chart

Avon Earnings Chart - Avon Personal Sales Earnings Levels:

Lets Take a Look at Each Avon Sales Level and I will Explain How your Earnings Change, and Increase with Each New and Higher Sales Level You Achieve!

The Avon Earnings Chart is split into sections. First is the Commission Chart for New Representatives. A new Avon Representative will begin with the sales level goal of "Contender". Contender is split into Selling Less Than $40.00 In each Campaign, and Selling More Than $40.00 in each Campaign. As you can see, Sales of less than $40.00 per Campaign has $0. Earnings....(Sad Face). If your Campaign Sales fall below $40.00, You need to adjust your strategy!

Selling at the Contender Level of $40.00 and Above each Campaign and you earn about 25% on Beauty/Jewelry, and 20% on Home/Fashion products. This is great for personal, and family use. Avon, and Many Reps often call this "Personal Use" Level. You will hear "Join Avon as a Rep & Get a 25% Discount on Avon Products". You can think of it as joining a Buying Club, like Costco, or Sam's Club, for example.

Avon splits it's sales year into "Campaigns" a Campaign lasts 2 weeks. In a full year there are 26 Campaigns. 4 Campaigns last 8 Weeks, 12 Campaigns last 24 weeks, and so on.

Take a look at the Avon Commission Chart Below as it refers to both Contender, and Premier Sales Levels.

Avon Earnings Chart for Personal Sales Premier Level and Contender Level

Avon Earnings Chart for Premier Level

Avon Earnings For Representatives who Sell About $200.00 Each Campaign:

For Premier Level, set your Goal to sell $5,000.00 in Avon Products in a 26 Campaign year. This is the Second Tier Sales Level for New Representatives. $5,000.00/26 Campaigns = $195.00 every 2 weeks, or each Campaign. This works out to about $100.00 each week. If you set small goals like $100.00 each week, it helps keep larger goals on track! Once you sell and comfortably reach $200.+ each Campaign, you may feel like you are ready for larger goals! So Go For It!

Avon Earnings Chart For President's Club and Above

Avon Earnings Chart for President's Club Level & Above - Selling At $400.00 Each Campaign.

This is a good time to mention that Selling At, And Above $400.00 Per Campaign level, You are selling at President's Club Level (PC). Here You Enter the "The President’s Recognition Program" The Magic Begins Here. The President’s Recognition Program (PRP) rewards members with higher commissions, an Awards Program, and VIP privileges at company-sponsored events. If you are New to Avon, you may think selling $10,000.00 worth of lipsticks may be a hard goal to reach, but in reality it is not, My Customer Orders Average Over $70.00, and it was really not that hard to get my first 20 regular customers!

The Avon Selling Cycle for President's Club is a full year, for 2024 the Cycle begins C-01, January 2024 through C-26 2024 Close, End of December. Each year is just about the same. Selling Cycles end in Campaign 26, the Christmas Holiday Season, as the year comes to a close.
Lets take a closer look at the Commission Chart below for President's Club and Above.

Avon Earnings Chart 2024 For President's Club Level and Above

While there are no Minimums to sell, & No Quota's, You are rewarded for Selling lots of products! But that's not all,
We have not even begun to talk about Team Building yet....

How Much Can I Earn Selling Avon Products?

An Avon Rep Can Earn A Lot, or Very Little, Dedication is Key:

I am often asked "How Much Can I Earn Selling Avon" by potential recruits. A lot of Representatives answer this question with "As Much as you want!" or, "It's Up To You!", and then there's everyone's favorite "It's Unlimited!", "The Sky's The Limit!". No One ever likes to hear that, it does not really answer the question.

I have been an Avon Representative for over 17 years. I have had a "Real Job" for my first 4 years as a Rep. I made President's Club after that, changed a number of things and started serious Team Building and have been a Full Time Avon Representative and occasional part time Job holder since.

Individuals who don't take "no" for an answer, often sell more, and do better. I'm not saying bully people until they buy something, I'm saying know your products, and using knowledge overcome the "no's" and show people the true benefits of your products. - Did you know Avon has a Lipstick with Retinol in it? - "Yes They Do!"

How Much Can I Earn Selling Avon? - Let's Look at an Example:

Over the last 4 - 5 years I sell at between Rose Circle and President's Council level. There is a big gap in that range. $35,000 to $110,000.

For the Rose Circle Level 45% of $35,000 = My Earnings $15,750. From Product Sales in those years.
At President's Council, 45% of $110.000 = My Earnings $49,500. From Product Sales in those years.

A few things explain that big gap. for one, the 2020 & 2021 continuing Pandemic and a shift to relying more on Online Sales. Second a big change in the number of my Avon Sales Team Members. I'll show you on another page how Team Sales make up part of my Total Avon Earnings, and How Growing a Large & Active Avon Sales Team means you can Catch a Break from Selling lots of Products to earn the bulk of your income from Avon.

Be sure to check out my page outlining the Avon Leadership Program, this is where the real money is!

As of June 1st., 2024, Avon has not changed anything here. The basic Compensation Plan is the same, if anything changes, I'll add it to this page.

Thank you.