Avon Representative | Avon Rep Cindy
Hi; And welcome! Are You Looking for an Avon Representative? Thinking about Becoming an Avon Rep.? Looking for the best prices and best sale when shopping Avon Online?
Would you like to become a Personal Use Avon Rep? Read on and hopefully I can shed some light for you about the Avon Representative.
Thank you for Shopping Online with Avon Rep Cindy.
Avon Representative Cindy!
Avon Representative | Avon Rep Cindy
So what is an Avon Representative? How does Avon Work?
An Avon Representative, Avon Rep. for Short is a Sales Rep. in the classic sense. As an Avon Independent Sales Representative, Avon Sells Me Products about 40% below the Avon Brochure Price, I in turn Sell my Avon Products
to my customers at the Brochure Price. My Profit is the price difference between the two. It works just like any store, or traditional Sales Rep. for any business.
Avon has somewhere around 2 Million Avon Representatives, both Men, and Women throughout the world.
Many choose to be an Avon Representative part time or full time, depending on their needs, & goals. While there are incentives to sell more, there are no minimum quotas to fill, and you do not need to keep a stock of Avon Products.
The Avon Company started way back in 1886. Believe it or not, 34 years before Women had the right to Vote! Today Avon is celebrating it's 135th year in business!
In the 1960's & up to the 1990's An Avon Rep was assigned a territory and worked within that assigned area. I remember my Mom was visited by our local Avon Lady in our home when I was young. Today An Avon Representative can
sell Avon Products to anyone in any part of their Country.
In the USA, I can sell Avon locally, or to Customers I can reach in any of the 50 US States. This is done by Online Avon Sales using my Avon e-store, And this blog.
When I make an Online Sale Avon takes care of Packing & Shipping for me! Customer returns are also handled by Avon! Every Avon Rep is Proud to be An Avon Representative; and it shows in how we present
our products, and our business! Any of the images you see in this article can also be found posted on my social media accounts, Please look for, and follow me! More about selling Avon Online Later.
Shop Online WITH an Avon Representative
Why Shop Online With An Avon Representative?
For many years Avon has had some trouble covering all potential customers with a good Avon Representative. Some of you old enough may remember Avon Products were available at Sears Stores, but not any longer. Today you can
find Avon Deodorants sneaking their way into "Dollar" stores, these are not "Official" outlets to buy Avon Products.
Beginning in the late 1990's you could buy Avon from the Company at Avon.com. Sales at Avon.com did not go through an Avon Rep., but
instead the 40% A Rep would normally receive, went instead to the Avon Company. During this time The Avon Rep. sales model was not doing too well.
In recent years Avon has done a lot to empower the Avon Representative, and improve sales opportunities. Today, more, and more people Shop online than ever before. Avon has noticed, and improved online sales options for Avon Representatives.
For Example: Today, If you go to Avon.com and have not gone to a specific Avon Rep's e-store before, you will be prompted to choose a Rep. in your area. You can
choose ANY Avon Rep., so If your preferred Avon Rep. lives far away, have her, or him, send you a link to their store, go to it, sign up for their email list. Also bookmark their e-store on your browser, start shopping
using that bookmark each time you shop.
Choosing to shop with an Avon Rep. helps an Avon Rep earning money! The more an Avon Rep can earn, the more an Avon Rep is likely to remain an Avon Rep.
How can you help? Always Shop with An Avon Rep, and also register as a customer with your Avon Rep. YOU Benefit by receiving email specials both from Avon And Your Avon Rep. YES Avon has developed a plan
that now allows an Avon Rep to email Custom Specials to Customers on their email List. You Benefit by shopping with an Avon Rep like me. I have been an Online Avon Rep. for meny years.
I have already sent out specials to customers on my email list, Offers include %OFF on $40. or $50., FREE Samples with Purchase, and FREE Shipping on $40. + The regular Free Shipping is on $60. order is
always available.
Avon Representative email list - join for added savings
Follow this to join my customer list and be sure you get the latest sale specials:Join My Avon email List to get email sales, & special Offers
Follow these Steps to Shop Avon Online With Cindy, & Get the best Sale Offers Delivered to you via email.
- 1. Go To https://www.avon.com/myavon/cartrip?rep=cartrip.
- 2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for "JOIN OUR MAILING LIST" Click on the button "SIGN UP".
- 3. Add Your Name & email Address - Then Click "Sign Up"! That's It Very Easy!
- And then Click on the Sweepstakes image, then enter - it's Free and you could win some Great Avon Products!
- In a few days you will begin to receive email sale specials from Avon. In addition, Avon now allows Reps to Offer their own Custom Sale Offers to Customers on their email list. They rance from free shipping, to free samples, and more!

Avon Representative - Join Avon with me!
Can You Make Money Selling Avon?
Would you like to become An Avon Rep? This is perhaps the Best time to Start An Avon Business! For 2024 Avon is Offering A FREE Sign Up Option. That means
$0.00 Cost, and ZERO Risk for You! Lets look at some reasons why you might want to Join Avon & Become An Avon Rep.
1. Extra Income: At one time or another, Everyone could use some extra cash! We all Run Short, or have bigger expectations than we have resources for. Sell Avon, and make that your
Extra Income Fund. I know people who started An Avon Business Just to pay for specific items, and ended up Loving Avon more than their regular job, and built up their Avon Business,
and Quit their regular job.
2. You Love Avon! Loving the Avon Products is a Great Reason to Sell Avon! I also know a Lot of Reps that just don't use Avon Products. - Not very confidence inspiring for a potential
customer is it? If you are a User Of Avon, and Love the Brand, You will be a great ambassador for Avon, and, chances are, make a Great Avon Rep too!
3. You Love Makeup & Meeting People! It's a Big Part of being a Good Avon Sales Rep. Or a Team Leader. If you are a "People Person" Then you may excel greatly being an Avon Representative!
I come into contact with lots of people interested in makeup, skin care, and lots interested in starting their own business. You will overcome any shyness as you begin to grow your Avon Business
and Help Others Start, and Grow their Avon Business! Its really not that hard. You are Simply Using Products You Love, Showing Products You Love, & Helping others do the same. That's all there really is to
being an Avon Rep!
Avon Representative Online Sales
Q. - How do you earn the most selling Avon?
A. - Sell Avon Online! ~ Selling Avon Online is the way to bring your products to the most customers! Think about how often you shop online.
We all shop Amazon, Walmart, ebay, etc. the list is very long. Why not shop for Makeup, & Skin Care Online too? Would you like to become An Avon Rep? This is perhaps the Best time to Start An Avon
Business! Avon is Offering A FREE Sign Up Option. That means You get to Start A Real Home Based Business for $0.00 Cost to you! Think about that.
Most MLM Businesses that sell products have a starter kit that can run Hundreds os Dollars, and in a lot of cases, if you want to sell online, there is a monthly cost for the Online Store.
Not with Avon! You can choose to get a starter kit, and it contains Hundreds of dollars worth of products, and the cost is less than half of your product bundle! Or you can choose to make A
Donation to the Avon Breast Cancer Fund through ACS, American Cancer Society. And Finally, For 2024 It's FREE to Join Avon! - If you choose that option!
YOU ALSO GET the Avon e-store for FREE! imagine you signed up with a different beauty company.... $200. for a starter kit, and $14.99/mo. for the e-store.... You may not
get enough customers in your first month to clear a profit! WITH AVON and this FREE Signup offer, you can start selling from day1, and earn money in your pocket during your first month!
Become An Avon Representative!
Earn Residual Income From Your Avon Team!
I earned A Online Sales Increase Award at the 2019 Avon Conference, and I am in line to earn a similar one for 2020, However, because of the Corona Virus there will not be a Conference for 2020, so I will
post it here when it arrives. The picture above was on a post inside the conference arena. It was very exciting! You can build a blog like this one, and Sell Avon Online like me, and
earn from your team, and Earn from your blog which drives new customers to your Avon e-store! Join now in 2024, and you may be able to earn the Avon Sail Away Cruise. Or you can work on the next one
soon to be announced for 2025!
Join Avon Today, Lets get to work!
If I can help, call me, Same if you have Questions!
Link to my e-store - Avon Representative
Cindy Artrip are not responsible for price discrepancies, sorry.
When placing your Avon Order Online, please remember to get
your Complimentary Avon Brochure added to your cart.
Thanks for Shopping Avon Online With Me Today!

FREE Shipping on $60.+ Orders!

Avon Brochure Campaign 6 is
Active from 3/12/25 - 3/25/25.
Click the image to Shop The
Avon Brochure @ my e-store!

Saturday March 8th - Thanks for Celebrating With AVON!

To Win FREE AVON Products!

Shop Avon Outlet Up To 70% Savings
The Outlet is NOW Online FLASH SALE - Click Image to see latest offers.

Join Avon, Secure Sign up Page Click Image!

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